1898 - The Bridges
Jessar has two bridges that can testify to its name. The "historic" blue bridge is the dam of the flour stations that was built in the Byzantine period as part of the water pumping plant for Caesarea. When Herod founded the city of Caesarea he wanted to make it as grand as possible. To this end, he established an impressive engineering plant for transporting water to the city using aqueducts and tunnels. These brought water to the city from the edge of Ramot Menashe, a journey of about 23 km.
Over the years, Caesarea grew and grew, and the water was no longer enough. In the 3rd century, its engineers located the springs in the Kabara Valley, but the springs were too low and, in addition, their waters were salty. This is why a respectable engineering facility is required. This bridge is the bridge that created the Kabara Swamp around which the roots of the villagers are planted.
The second bridge is the better known bridge. It was built for the visit of Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1898 which was made as part of Germany's ambitions to take part in controlling the Middle East. In preparation for that visit, the Ottomans, who greatly needed the support of the Germans in view of the crumbling state of their empire, carried out one of the most extensive infrastructure construction and repair operations carried out during their rule in the Land of Israel. One of the bridges - about 90 meters long - was built over the mouth of Nahal Taninim, and the urban legend connects the name of the village of Jessar with this bridge.