Jisr Al Zarka

Jisr az-Zarqa offers a variety of touristic, recreational and culinary attractions. A welcoming hostel, scenic hiking trails, and restaurants offering local and home-made cuisine are only a small share of the touristic adventures Jisr has to offer.
Jisr to the sea

Fishing is a tradition that passes from generation to generation.
In the fishing village, the tradition is preserved and stands out in its regional uniqueness.
In cooperation with local fishermen and business owners in the village, we have developed authentic and unique fishing tours.
We offer three different tours, which will connect the visitors to the fishing culture, the sea and the history of the place.
The tours will be scheduled in advance with the fisherman, so the connection is direct and personal.
The tours depart from the beach of Jessar al-Zarqa, guided by local fishermen.

A fisheman's day
How long: three hours
What is included: snacks and a cold drink, an explanation from the fisherman about the settlement of Jessar al-Zarqa including a geographical overview, joint fishing and a fish dinner on the beach
Limit: up to three participants
Price: Details soon

Morning Sea
How long: two hours
What's included: snacks and a cold drink, an explanation from the fisherman about Jessar
A-Zarqa which includes a geographical overview
Limit: up to three participants
Price: Details soon

Trip to the sea
How long: an hour
What's included: snacks and a cold drink, an explanation from the fisherman about Jessar
Al-Zarqa, which includes a brief geographical overview
Limit: up to three participants
Price: Details soon
7 reasons to book the experience
A view from the sea towards the only fishing village of its kind in Israel
A personal tour tailored for you
Privacy - it's just you and the local fishing guide!
The tour is safe and the boat is insured
You can enjoy an authentic lunch
An opportunity to enjoy Jisr al-Zarqa, to learn first-hand about the settlement
Direct support in the local community
Curious to know more about the fishing culture in Jisr al-Zarqa and the village itself?
Looking for an authentic local way to experience the world of the fisherman and the reality in the settlement first hand?
join us!
**Details later on**

Food & Drinks

Services & Amenities