2017-1 Bridge of color
"Bridge of color" painting the houses blue
The houses were painted as part of the "Bridge of Color" project. Its goal is to turn Jessar Al-Zarqa into a tourist settlement that invites and hosts tourists.
The project aims to strengthen the intriguing village. Already today, the village offers one of the most beautiful and clean beaches in the country, a unique fishing port and other tourist attractions, the project aims to make it an even more attractive village, similar to colorful tourist villages in the world.
The architect Anat Cohen Halevi, as a guest who visits regularly, created a connection around the beautiful idea through which one can see the houses of Jessar al-Zarqa in a beautiful and special way that characterizes the settlement, and thus they began to look into financing options until they connected with the Ministry of Tourism and Nerlat. Thus began the realization of the vision that turns the village into a settlement with a blue color that blends with the natural and scenic color of the settlement that connects it to the color of the sea and the crocodile stream.