A special plan to strengthen the council.
The Ministerial Committee for Arab Society Affairs approved the proposal of the Minister for Social Equality, Merav Cohen, for economic strengthening and improving the quality of life of the residents in Jasr al-Zarqa. As part of the decision, a plan costing NIS 200 million was approved to promote the settlement.
The decision comes against the background of the cooperation between the Ra'am party and the government ministries to promote the five-year plan for the socio-economic development of the Arab society. As part of the five-year plan to reduce the gaps in the Arab society, the settlement, which suffers from one of the highest rates of poverty and crime in the country, will receive special assistance in dealing with the many challenges it faces, Through a multi-year plan for the development of the local authority, to achieve a significant improvement in the quality of life of the residents and handling of the authority's data in a long list of fields, including employment, education, welfare, health and tourism. The plan will include a series of answers to the challenges the settlement faces in all areas of life.
Among the areas covered by the program, one can find the development of the fishing village, construction and renovation of classrooms, a comprehensive program in the field of health, improvement of public transportation service within the settlement and to employment centers, reinforcement of the welfare system, expansion of violence prevention programs and the settlement's network of cameras. Also, the establishment of an urban policing system, infrastructure development and upgrading, and more.